Qué Bonita Bandera Series
Que Bonita Bandera. Mixed Media Shadow Box. 13 1/2"x11" February 2013
Having been born in Puerto Rico but growing up in the United States, I have always felt that I never quite “belonged.” In my predominately white suburban school I never truly fit in. It was clear that not only did I look different, I spoke and acted differently as well. In fact, for a time I was put into speech therapy classes to cure me of my “accent.” In contrast, whenever I returned to Puerto Rico or spent time with my family, I was told time and time again that I was not a “real” Puerto Rican because I acted “white.” I struggled with my identity as a child and it has continued as an adult. When I am asked the question “Where are you from?” I know that it will be followed by “No, where are you really from?” Overall, my work is an exploration of my cultural identity and how American society has shaped me into the individual I am today.